This website is the result of the collaborative effort of some experienced ringmasters engaged in the webring community.
Our mission is to define and develop the webring concept, and to promote public awareness, acceptance, exploration and enjoyment of webrings, by sharing experiences and providing resources and practical help to ringmasters and members.
We are a focus community of dedicated and caring individuals who have a passionate commitment to share our many years of webring knowledge and experience with Ring Managers, Ring Members, System Managers, Webring Programmers, and the general public alike.
To go hand in hand with the Webring World community site is the Webring World Ring Managers Community, as a source of discussion and assistance to anyone who requires it. But it has become so much more then that.
You will find we are a group of people who have a passion to share our knowledge, help with problems and assist in educating the wider public about webrings.
You will find a warm and welcoming group of people who constantly demonstrated selfless acts of understanding and patience.
You will find healthy discussions about different webring systems. Bet you didn’t know that were that many. Did you know that you can host your own free webring system? Yep, Ringlink or FS Rings.
So from this list an idea was conceived and November 2002 marked the birth of the Webring World community site.
If you would like to become an editor the first step is to use our Contact Page and submit your details. We always need help around here! You don’t have to be a webring expert to help out either, we all have various talents to offer!
What is a Webring?

A webring is a community of websites or webpages linked one to another to form a virtual “ring”. Each site or page links to the next, so that as visitors click to go from one site or page to another they will eventually return to the site or page from which they started. Generally, the sites or pages are linked by a common theme or interest making surfing the webring an ideal way of finding sites or pages of interest to the web surfer.
The individual who creates, owns and manages a webring is called the ringmaster or ring manager. Each website in the ring is called a member site. Webrings are hosted by a webring system. The system can be either remotely-hosted on a commercial system (like Webring, Ringsurf, and Bravenet), or it can be a self-hosted system running on a server used by a ringmaster (like the Ringlink webring software system).
Webrings use links like “Next”, “Previous” and “Random” that enable navigation from site to site around the ring. Sometimes “Skip” functions are included to let visitors “hop over” a member site that might be offline.
Most webring systems provide a listing or a directory of all the sites within a ring, which is known as the hub or list page. Such directories frequently include a description of each site, and a link to let the visitors quickly go to a particular site within the ring.
What makes the ring function, is the “navigation panel” (navpanel for short)! This is the panel that includes all the above links (Next, List, Random, Previous, Home, Join, and…), and is placed on each member site. These navigation panels can be rendered in a wazillion different formats, depending of course on the wishes and artistic flair of the ringmaster/s (anything is possible)!!
So, if you have a special interest or topic, then setting up a webring is the best way to find others who share the same interest or topic as you do! 🙂 And best of all, how you do this can be accomplished with any number of webring hosting systems/formats! 🙂
Learn more from our articles:
To join one of our webrings or create your own, please contact us and submit your web details!
Godaddy.com – domain name registrar.
Stay On Search – SEO and web related tips.
StoryBistroCourses.com – free online web development courses.
AnimationGold.com– free clip art and animated gifs.